Deer hunter 1997 pc
Deer hunter 1997 pc

We had him describe the coastline, and I think we got a hold of a screenshot from him. So did Geosurface's friend do the right thing and quietly let himself out the front door? Of course not. Now, this was clearly a case of Ultima Online's developers not thinking through all of the consequences of what could happen when you built a house somewhere in the world. I know it was mean, but, man, I don't think I have ever laughed for so hard or so long as I was laughing we sailed off… That way when some good-doer would stroll by and yell guards, my buddy would be killed, but all of the loot would be in the safety of my backpack, legally. So, if my buddy was stealing from you and setting your items on the ground, I could pick them up from the ground without breaking any sort of law. Once it's out of your possession it's basically public property. "Stealing in Ultima was sort of like taking your garbage to the street. As NeoGAF user SpacLock wrote, he and a sticky-fingered friend found out one silly loophole to do that in broad daylight. The strong would prey upon the weak and the clever were constantly devising new ways to part unsuspecting players from their hard-earned items. Nowadays, griefing is viewed as a thing only the most sadistic players would ever engage in, but in Ultima it was a way of life. Instead, it was all about those little moments that would happen week to week that made the world of Britannia come alive. They might not be the most sprawling tales, but the strength of Ultima Online was never how 'epic' it could be.

deer hunter 1997 pc

To celebrate its birthday and the legacy that would shape an entire genre of MMOs, here are just a few of my favorites.

deer hunter 1997 pc deer hunter 1997 pc

But of all the amazing stories spawned from online games, few are as memorable and hilarious as the ones that come from Ultima Online. Today, few people would probably ever want to spend their time playing in such a ruthless game, and later expansions would try and curb players' appetite for tears by discouraging slaughter.

Deer hunter 1997 pc